MSDS Number: p14207vs
- Product Identification
Product Name: Mineral seal oil
Supersedes: 10/18/93
Issued By: 005439
Citgo Petroleum Corporation 1701 Golf Road, Suite 1-1101 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-4295Important: Read this MSDS before handling or disposing of this product and pass this information on to employees, customers and users of this product.Emergency overview Physical State:- Liquid color: Transparent, colorless to slightly yellow.
- Odor: Characteristic, kerosene-like. Mist or vapor may irritate the eyes, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract! Liquid contact may cause minimal to mild eye and/or mild to severe skin irritation and inflammation! May be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin! Overexposures may cause central nervous system (cns) depression and/or other target organ effects! May be harmful or fatal if ingested! Aspiration into the lungs can cause pulmonary edema and lipoid or chemical pneumonia! Spills may create a slipping hazard!
Hazard RankingsHMISNFPA—————————–———————Health Hazard*10Fire Hazard11Reactivity00Protective Equipment: Minimum Requirements. See Section 8 for Details. * = Chronic Health Hazard Trade Name
- : Mineral seal oil
Technical Contact:
- (800) 967-7601 (8am – 4pm ct m-f)
Product Number:
- 2540
Medical Emergency:
- (918) 495-4700
CAS Number:
- 64742-46-7
Infotrac Emergency:
- (800) 535-5053 product family: petroleum hydroCarbon distillate synonyms mso; petroleum seal oil; severely hydrotreated light-middle distillate; highly-refined paraffinic light lube oil; c12-c14 aliphatic and naphthenic hydroCarbons.
- Composition/Information on Ingredients
ComponentCAS No.Concentration (%)—————————–———————Hydrotreated Middle Distillate (Petroleum)64742-46-7100% - Hazards Identification
Also see emergency overview and hazard ratings on the top of page 1 of this MSDS.Major route(s) of entry: Skin contact. Eye contact. Inhalation. Absorption.Signs and symptoms of acute Exposure:Inhalation: Breathing high concentrations of vapor may cause respiratory irritation, euphoria, excitation or giddiness, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, muscular weakness, staggering gait, and central nervous system (cns) depression. Cns effects include dimness, drowsiness, disorientation, vertigo, memory loss, visual disturbances, difficulty with breathing, convulsions, unconsciousness, paralysis, coma, and even death, depending upon level of exposure concentration and/or duration. Sudden death from cardiac arrest (heart attack) may result from exposure to greater than 10,000 ppm for only 5 minutes. And, approximately 20,000 ppm (or 2 vol.%) In air is fatal to humans in 5 to 10 minutes.Eye Contact: Animal test results on similar materials suggest that this product can cause minimal to mild eye irritation upon short-term exposure. Symptoms include stinging, watering, redness, and swelling.Skin Contact: Animal test results on similar materials suggest that this product can cause mild to moderate skin irritation. Short-term contact symptoms include redness, itching, and burning of the skin. This material may also be absorbed through the skin and produce cns depression effects (see “inhalation” above). If the skin is damaged, absorption increases. Prolonged and/or repeated contact may cause moderate to severe dermatitis. Chronic symptoms may include drying, swelling, scaling, blistering, cracking, and severe tissue damage.Ingestion: If swallowed, this material may irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, and esophagus. It can be readily absorbed by the stomach and intestinal tract. Symptoms include a burning sensation of the mouth and esophagus, nausea, vomiting, dimness, staggering gait, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, and delirium, as well as additional central nervous system (cns) effects (see “inhalation” above). Due to its light viscosity, there is a danger of aspiration into the lungs during vomiting. Aspiration can result in severe lung damage or death. Progressive cns depression, respiratory insufficiency, and ventricular fibrillation may also result in death.Chronic Health Effects Summary: Chronic effects of ingestion and subsequent aspiration into the lungs may cause pneumatocele (lung cavity) formation and chronic lung dysfunction. People chronically exposed to jet fuel (similar to this hydrotreated middle distillate) at an average concentration of 250 mg/m3 (approx 85 ppm) in air for 4 to 32 years showed higher incidence of neuro-psychiatric symptoms than unexposed persons. Symptoms included anxiety, sleep disturbances, irritability, attention deficits, memory impairment, depression, fatigue, mood and personality changes, and neurasthenic syndrome. Also, reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to similar solvents with irreversible brain and nervous system damage (sometimes referred to as “solvent or painters syndrome”). Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling this product may be harmful or fatal. (See 11.)
Conditions aggravated by Exposure: Personnel with pre-existing central nervous system (cns) disease, neurological conditions, skin disorders, liver or kidney function, or chronic respiratory diseases should avoid exposure.Target organs: This substance is toxic to lungs, central nervous system, brain, mucous membranes, skin, eyes, and possibly, the liver and kidneys.
Carcinogenic potential: This product does not contain any components at concentrations above 0.1% Which are considered carcinogenic by OSHA, IARC, or NTP.OSHA hazard classification is indicated by an “x” in the box adjacent to the hazard title. If no “x” is present, the product does not exhibit the hazard as defined in the OSHA hazard communication standard (29 cfr 1910.1200). OSHA health hazard classification OSHA physical hazard classification irritant x toxic – combustible – explosive – sensitizer – highly toxic – flammable – oxidizer – corrosive – carcinogenic – compressed gas – organic perOxide – pyrophoric – water-reactive – unstable –
- First Aid Measures
Take proper precautions to ensure your own health and safety before attempting rescue or providing first aid. For more specific information, refer to exposure controls and personal protection in section 8 of this MSDS.Inhalation: Immediately move victim to fresh air. If victim is not breathing, immediately begin rescue breathing. If heart has stopped, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr). If breathing is difficult, 100 percent humidified oxygen should be administered by a qualified individual. Seek medical attention immediately.Eye Contact: Check for and remove contact lenses. If irritation or redness develops, flush eyes with cool, clean, low-pressure water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure complete irrigation of the eye and eyelid tissue. Do not use eye ointment. Seek medical attention immediately.Skin Contact: Remove contaminated shoes and clothing. Flush affected area with large amounts of water. If skin surface is damaged, apply a clean dressing and seek medical attention. Do not use ointments. If skin surface is not damaged, clean affected area thoroughly with mild soap and water. Seek medical attention if tissue appears damaged or if pain or irritation persists.Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth. If spontaneous vomiting is about to occur, place victim’s head below knees. If victim is drowsy or unconscious, place on the left side with head down. Never give anything by mouth to a person who is not fully conscious. Do not leave victim unattended. Seek medical attention immediately.Notes to Physician: Inhalation overexposure can produce toxic effects. Monitor for respiratory distress. If cough or difficulty in breathing develops, evaluate for upper respiratory tract inflammation, bronchitis, and pneumonitis. Vigorous anti-inflammatory/steroid treatment may be required at first evidence of upper airway or pulmonary edema. Administer 100 percent humidified supplemental oxygen with assisted ventilation, as required. If ingested, this material presents a significant aspiration/lipoid or chemical pneumonitis hazard. As a result, induction of emesis is not recommended. Administer an aqueous slurry of activated charcoal followed by a cathartic such as magnesium citrate or sorbitol. Also, treatment may involve careful gastric lavage if performed soon after ingestion or in patients who are comatose or at risk of convulsing. Protect the airway by cuffed endotracheal intubation or by placement of the body in a trendelenburg and left lateral decubitus position. Obtain chest x-ray and liver function tests. Monitor for cardiac function, respiratory distress and arterial blood gases in severe exposure cases. - Fire Fighting Measures
NFPA flammability OSHA/NFPA class-11113 liquid. Slightly combustible! Classification:Flash Point Method: Closed cup: 120 – 135c (248 – 275f)(cleveland open cup)astm d-92)) lower flammable limit: Ap 0.7 % Upper flammable limit: Ap 5.0 % Autoignition temperature: Ap 343 to 371 c (650 to 700 f)Hazardous Combustion Products: Burning or excessive heating may produce smoke, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, and possibly other harmful gases/vapors.Special Properties: This material releases vapors at or approaching its flash point temperature. When mixed with air in certain proportions and exposed to an ignition source, its vapor can cause a flash fire. Mists or sprays may be flammable at temperatures below the flash point. Use only with adequate ventilation. Vapors are heavier the air and may travel long distances along the ground to an ignition source and flash back. May create vapor/air explosion hazard in confined spaces such as sewers. If container is nt properly cooled, it can rupture in the heat of a fire.A static electrical charge can accumulate as a result of transfer flow or agitation. Discharge (static spark) can ignite vapors, especially in cold, dry weather conditions. Special slow load and monitoring procedures for “switch loading” must be followed to avoid the static ignition hazard that can exist when this material is loaded into tanks previously containing gasoline or other low flash point products. To reduce this hazard, receiving containers should always be grounded and the loading nozzle must be kept in contact with the container during the entire filling process. Do not fill any portable container in or on a vehicle without proper bonding.Extinguishing Media: Small Fire: use dry chemicals, Carbon Dioxide (co2), foam, water fog, or inert gas (nitrogen). Large Fire: use foam, water fog, or waterspray. Water fog and spray are effective in cooling containers and adjacent structures but might cause frothing and/or may not achieve extinguishment. A water jet may be use to cool the vessel’s external walls to prevent pressure build-up, auto-ignition, or explosion. Never use a water jet directly on the fire because it may spread the fire to a larger area.Fire Fighting Protective Clothing: Firefighters must use full bunker gear including NIOSH-approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against potential hazardous combustion or decomposition products and oxygen deficiencies. Evacuate area and fight the fire from a maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cover pooling liquid with foam. Containers can build pressure if exposed to radiant heat; cool adjacent containers with flooding quantities of water until well after the fire is out. Withdraw immediately from the area if there is a rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of vessels, tanks, or pipelines. - Accidental Release Measures
Take proper precautions to ensure your own health and safety before attempting spill control or clean-up. For more specific information, refer to the emergency overview on page 1, exposure controls and personal protection in section 8 and disposal considerations in section 13 of this MSDS.Release may cause a fire or explosion hazard, especially if misted. Evacuate all non-essential personnel from immediate area and establish a “regulated zone” with site control and security. A vapor-suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Eliminate all ignition sources. All equipment used when handling this material must be grounded. Stop the leak if it can done without risk. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Remove spillage immediately from hard, smooth walking areas. Prevent its entry into waterways, sewers, basements, or confined areas. Absorb or cover with dry earth, sand, or other non-combustible material and transfer to appropriate waste containers. Use clean, non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material.For large spills, secure the area and control access. Dike far ahead of a liquid spill to ensure complete collection. Water mist or spray may be used to reduce or disperse vapors; but, it may not prevent ignition in dosed spaces. This material will float on water and its run-off may create an explosion or fire hazard. Verify that responders are property hazwoper-trained and wearing appropriate respiratory equipment and fire-resistant protective clothing during cleanup operations. In an urban area, cleanup spill as soon as possible; in natural environments, cleanup on advice from specialists. Pick up free liquid for recycle and/or disposal if it can be accomplished safely with explosion-proof equipment. Collect any excess material with absorbant pads, sand, or other inert non-combustible absorbent materials. Place into appropriate waste containers for later disposal. Comply with all laws and regulations. - Handling and Storage
Handling: A spill or leak may cause a fire/explosion hazard. Keep containers closed and do not handle or store near heat, sparks, or any other potential ignition sources. Bond and ground all equipment before transferring this material from one container to another. Do not contact with oxidizable materials. Do not breathe vapor. Us only with adequate ventilation/ personal protection. Never siphon by mouth. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, at clothing. Prevent contact with food, chewing, or smoking materials. Do not take internally.When performing repairs and maintenance on contaminated equipment, keep unnecessary persons away from the area. Eliminate all potential ignition sources. Drain and purge equipment, as necessary, to remove material residues. Use gloves constructed of impervious materials and protective clothing if direct contact is anticipated. Provide ventilation to maintain exposure potential below applicable exposure limits. Promptly remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water after handling.Empty containers may contain material residues which can ignite with explosive force. Misuse of empty containers can be dangerous if used to store toxic, flammable, or reactive materials. Cutting or welding of empty containers can cause fire, explosion, or release of toxic fumes from residues. Do not pressurize or expose empty containers to open flame, sparks, or heat. Keep container closed and drum bungs in place. Label warnings and precautions must be observed. Return empty drums to a qualified reconditioner. Consult appropriate federal, state and local authorities before reusing, reconditioning, reclaiming, recycling, or disposing of empty containers and/or waste residues of this material.Storage: Store and transport in accordance with all applicable laws. Keep containers tightly dosed and store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, plainly labeled, and out of dosed vehicles. Keep away from all ignition sources! Ground all equipment containing this material. Containers should be able to withstand pressures expected warming and cooling in storage. This combustible liquid should be stored in a separate safety cabinet or room. All electrical equipment in areas where this material is stored or handled should be installed in accordance with applicable requirements of the N.F.P.A’s national electrical code (nec). - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapor and/or mists below the pertinent exposure limits (see below). All electrical equipment should comply with the NFPA nec standards. Ensure that an emergency eye wash station and safety shower are near the work-station location.Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective equipment should be selected based upon the conditions under which this material is used.Eye Protection: Safety glasses with side shields are recommended as a minimum protection. During transfer operations or when there is a likelihood of misting, splashing, or spraying, chemical goggles and face shield should be worn. Suitable eye wash water should be readily available.Hand Protection: Avoid skin contact and use gloves (disposable pvc, neoprene, nitrile, vinyl, or pvc/nbr). Before eating, drinking, smoking, use of toilet facilities, or leaving work, wash hands with plenty of mild soap and water. Do not use gasoline, kerosene, other solvents, or harsh abrasive skin cleaners.Body Protection: Avoid skin contact. It is recommended that fire-retardant garments (e.G. Nomex(tm)) be worn while working with flammable and combustible liquids. If splashing or spraying is expected, chemical-resistant protective clothing (tyvek(r), nitrile, or neoprene) should be worn. This might include long-sleeves, apron, slicker suit, boots, and additional facial protection. If general contact occurs, immediately remove soaked clothing and take a shower. Contaminated leather goods should be removed promptly and discarded.Respiratory Protection: For unknown vapor concentrations use a positive-pressure, pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus (scba). For known vapor concentrations above the occupational exposure guidelines (see below), use a NIOSH- approved organic vapor respirator if adequate protection is provided. Protection factors vary depending upon the type of respirator used. Respirator use should follow OSHA requirements (29 cfr 1910.134) Or equivalent standard (e.G. Ansi z88.2).General comments: WARNING! If used as a fuel, this material’s engine exhaust may cause upper respiratory tract irritation and reversible pulmonary effects. Use of hydroCarbon fuel in spaces without adequate ventilation may result in generation of hazardous levels of combustion products and inadequate oxygen levels for breathing. Odor is an inadequate warning for hazardous conditions.Occupational exposure guidelines substance applicable workplace exposure levels 1) oil mist, mineral twa 5 stel: 10 (mg/m3) from ACGIH (TLV) (2000) twa 5 (mg/m) from OSHA (pel) (1976) 2) diesel fuel/kerosene twa 100 (mg/m3) from ACGIH (TLV) (proposed for 2001) (“a3” animal carcinogen) – skin
- Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State: liquid
Color: Transparent, colorless to slightly yellow.
Odor: Characteristic, kerosene-like.
Specific Gravity: 0.84 To 0.845 (Water = 1)
pH: Not applicable
Vapor Density: 5.8 To 6.3 (Air = 1)
Boiling point/range: 277 to 321c (530 to 610f)(astm d-86)
Melting/Freezing Point: -29 to 24 c (-20 to -11f)(astm d-97)
Vapor Pressure: lt 0.5 Mm hg at 20 c (68f)
Viscosity (cst @ 40c): 3 to 4.5
Solubility in Water: Slightly soluble to cold water (ap 0.04%)
Volatile Characteristics: volatile organic compounds(vocs) content = 100%; 822 gm/l
Additional Properties: Alkane, isoparaffin, and cycloalkane hydroCarbons content = 96.5 To 99.5 Wt % (astm d-1319); c12-c14 aromatic hydroCarbon content = 0.5 To 3.5 Wt.% (Astm d-1319); average density at 60 f = 7.019 Lbs./Gal. (Astm d-2161); aniline cloud point temperature = 183 to 184 f (84 c) (astm d-611); dry point temperature = 605 f (318 c) (astm d-86); evaporation rate = < 0.01 When n-butyl acetate = 1.0; Heat value = 19,500 to 20,000 btu. - Stability and Reactivity
Chemical Stability: Stable.Hazardous Polymerization: Not expected to occurConditions to Avoid: keep away from extreme heat, strong acids, and strong oxidizing conditions.Materials Incompatibility: Strong acids, alkalies, and oxidizers such as liquid chlorine, hydrogen perOxide, and oxygen.Hazardous Decomposition Products: No substances are readily identified from composition; and, no degradation data is available. - Toxicological Information
for other health-related information, refer to the emergency overview on page 1 and the hazards identification in section 3 of this MSDS.Toxicity data: Kerosine (similar to this mineral seal oil): Oral (ld50): Acute: gt 5,000 mg/kg (rat screen) – diarrhea, hypoactivity, and somnolence. Oral (ld50): Acute: 2,835 mg/kg (rabbit) – respiratory stimulation and muscle weakness. Oral (ld50): Acute: 20 mg/kg (guinea pig) – respiratory stimulation and muscle weakness. Intravenous (ld50): Acute: 180 mg/kg (rabbit) – respiratory stimulation, tremors, and coma. Intratracheal (ld50): Acute: 800 mg/kg (rat) – convulsions, dyspnea, and cyanosis. Intratracheal (ld50): Acute: 200 mg/kg (rabbit) – convulsions and cyanosis. Intraperitoneal (ld50): Acute: 6,600 mg/kg (rabbit) – pulmonary edema, emphysema, and changes to the bronchi.HydrodeSulfurized kerosine (similar to this mineral seal oil): Oral (ld50): Acute: gt 5,000 mg/kg (rat screen) – excess salivation, diarrhea, hair loss, hypoactivity, and somnolence. Gas (lc50): Acute: gt 5,200 mg/l for 4 hours (rat screen)) – dyspnea. Dermal (ld50): Acute: gt 2,000 mg/kg (rabbit screen).There is very limited toxicology data available for mineral seal oil; however, its toxicity is considered to be similar to or less toxic than of kerosene. Mineral seal oil can produce varying types of skin reactions in humans, normally only mild to moderate but ocCASionally severe irritation. As an ingredient of numerous household products, mineral seal oil has been involved in many accidental or intentional poisonings, especially amongst young children. Symptoms of ingestion poisoning have included lethargy, fever, elevated white blood count, rapid heart beat, and rapid breathing. A 12-year old girl survived ingestion of 8 ounces of furniture polish containing 99% mineral seal oil; and this oil appeared in her urine, suggesting systemic uptake and distribution. Chronic inhalation of its oil mist may result in accumulation of oil droplets in the lung, with accompanying pulmonary fibrosis. Similar materials have also been associated with liver and kidney damage in subchronic (90-day) inhalation studies with male rats.This product is a severely hydrotreated mineral seal oil which does not contain any potentially carcinogen compounds. Laboratory data associated some mixtures of petroleum hydroCarbons with boiling ranges between 300 and 700 f, commonly referred to as “middle distillates, including kerosine and some mineral seal oils” have caused increased incidence of skin tumors at the site of contact when applied repeatedly (twice per week) over the lifetime of the test animals (12 to 24 months). Studies have shown that washing the animals skin with soap and water between applications greatly reduces the carcinogenic effect of these middle distillates.TSCA section 8(e) submittals concerning hydrodeSulfurized middle distillate and chemically-neutralized middle distillate streams identified as mineral seal oils were reported to have shown positive mutagenic responses in the modified salmonella/microsome (ames) and in-vitro mouse cell transformation assays, but also, a negative response for an in-vitro chromosomal abberration assay. Additionally, hydrodeSulfurized kerosine, untreated (straight-run) kerosine, and hydrotreated light distillate (which are all similar to mineral seal oil) produced negative mutagenic responses in the salmonella/microsome (ames) assay, the in-vivo rat bone marrow cell chromosome abberations assay, the in-vitro mouse lymphoma assay, and the in-vitro chinese hamster ovary (cho) sister chromatid exchange (sce) assay; however, the in-vivo mouse sce assay and in-vitro s9-activated cho sce assay produced positive responses. The significance of these mixed animal study results for human health is unclear. - Ecological Information
ecoToxicity: Ecological effects testing has not been conducted on this material. If spilled, this material, its storage tank water bottoms and sludge, and any contaminated soil or water may be hazardous to human, animal, and aquatic life.Using rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), dungeness crab (cancer magister), and juvenile american shad (squalius cephalus), similar middle distillate/kerosenes showed a 96-hour tlms (median toxic limit) of from 5 ppm to 20 ppm in ambient saltwater. Also, 24-hour and 96-hour tlms produced results from 10 ppm to 200 ppm when using bluegill sunfish (lepomis macrochirus), goldfish (carassius auratus), and guppy (lebistes refculatus) in fresh water. Based upon actual spill incident investigations, similar kerosene mixtures have been shown to bioaccumuiate in tissues of various fish from a 1 ppm to 10 ppm levels.Environmental Fate: This mineral seal oil is potentially toxic to freshwater and saltwater ecosystems. It will normally float on water with its lighter components evaporating fairly rapidly. In stagnant or slow-flowing waterways, this hydroCarbon layer can cover a large surface area. As a result, this covering layer might limit or eliminate natural atmospheric oxygen transport into the water. With time, if not removed, oxygen depletion in the waterway might be enough to cause a fish kill or create an anaerobic environment. This coating action can also be harmful or fatal to plankton, algae, aquatic life, and water birds. Additionally, potable water and boiler feed water systems should never be allowed more than 5 ppm contamination from this material.For additional ecological information concerning components of this product, users should refer to the hazardous substances data bank(r) and the oil and hazardous materials/technical assistance data system (ohm/tads) maintained by the U.S. National library of medicine. (See section 2 for components.) - Disposal Considerations
Hazard characteristic and regulatory waste stream classification can change with product use. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of the user to determine the proper storage, transportation, treatment and/or disposal methodologies for spent materials and residues at the time of disposition.Maximize material recovery for reuse or recycling. If spilled material is introduced into a wastewater treatment system, chemical and biological oxygen demand (cod and bod) will likely increase. This material is biodegradable if gradually exposed to microorganisms, preferably in an aerobic environment. In sewage seeded wastewater, at or below concentrations of 0.2 Vol. % Of this material, there is little or no effect on bio-oxidation and/or digestion. However, at 1 vol. %, It doubles the required digestion period. Higher concen- trations interfere with floc formation and sludge settling and also plug filters or exchange beds. Vapor emissions from a bio-oxidation process contaminated by this material might prove to be a health hazard. Conditions of use may cause this material to become a hazardous waste, as defined by federal or state regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to determine if the material is a RCRA “hazardous waste” at the time of disposal. Transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of waste material must be conducted in accordance with RCRA regulations (see 40 cfr parts 260 through 271). State and/or local regulations might be even more restrictive. Contact the RCRA/superfund hotline at (800) 424-9346 or your regional us epa office for guidance concerning CASe specific disposal issues. - Transport Information
DOT Status: This material is not regulated by the U.S. Department of transportation (DOT).
Proper Shipping Name: petroleum oil, n.O.I.B.N.
Hazard Class: Not a DOT controlled material.
Packing group(s): Not applicable.
UN/NA ID: Not applicable.
Reportable Quantity: Not applicable.
Emergency Response Guide No.: Not applicable.
Hazmat STCC No.: Not applicable.
Marpol III Status: Not a DOT “marine pollutant” per 49 cfr 171.8. - Regulatory Information / Federal Regulations
TSCA Invento